AIU celebrated the Day of the epic “Manas”

December 7, 2023

Since 2015, on December 4, Kyrgyzstan has been celebrating the day of the great epic “Manas”, which is included by UNESCO in the list of the intangible cultural heritage of mankind. In this regard, the AIU celebrated this significant day by holding various events.

At the initiative of representatives of the Department of inter-faculty state disciplines, Samat Kochorbayev, a well-known manaschy of the Kyrgyz National Theater “Manas”, head of the Department of Traditional Music and Folklore of the KSUCA named after B. Beishenalieva, was invited. The open meeting was held under the slogan “Manaschy in the student audience”, where students and lecturers actively held a discussion, and manaschy also told at a high level an excerpt from the epic “Kanykeidin zhomogunan”.

The first-year students of the IT & Business College also held a flash mob in video format. The students demonstrated the value of the epic “Manas”, the identity of the Kyrgyz people and the importance of passing on cultural heritage to the next generation. Within the framework of the Kyrgyz language and literature subject, discussions were held among college students and 2nd year undergraduate students, where the role and place of the epic “Manas” in society were emphasized. 

The above-mentioned events were held by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic in order to research and popularize the epic “Manas". We express our gratitude to all the participants and organizers!